----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Evan Greer <>
Sent: Wed, December 5, 2012 2:19:26 PM
Subject: A big win for online privacy


Because of your actions to make sure our emails and cell calls are protected from random government search and seizure, we defied expectations and won one big fight for online privacy last week.

We passed an update to the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) legislation requiring the government to get a warrant before accessing emails and documents stored in the cloud. It moved out of the Senate Judiciary committee with a nearly unanimous, bipartisan vote (only Sen. Sessions voted “no”). The Committee also turned down a scary amendment from Sen. Grassley that could have created dangerous loopholes and exceptions.

You and more than 10,000 people sent emails and made phone calls using the tools at We were told we wouldn't be able to pass this amendment out of committee this time, but your calls and emails did it - they're powerful and are paving a new way for our online rights.

This latest win means we’re closer than ever to updating digital privacy for the 21st century. There’s still a long legislative road ahead, and online privacy is going to be at the top of the legislative agenda when the new Congress starts.  We'd like to contact you again about this and other related campaigns.  If that's not okay, click here to unsubscribe.

Now, Fight for the Future is going to be there shaping this fight and making sure we win at the next big milestone. If you donate $25 now, you will keep us moving on making sure ECPA gets updated: donate $25 to the next phase of the fight for our privacy

More on this victory from our friends at CDT:
Senate Committee Takes Historic Step for Privacy

Watch the Senate Committee proceedings here.

Thanks again!
-Evan from FFTF, on behalf of the whole team.

p.s. Again, we may contact you in the future with updates on the fight for online privacy and other campaigns. If that's not ok, click here to unsubscribe.