Our district is going BYOD in January!  Since our demographics are such that not all students have their own devices, we are looking to purchase some for loan. 
Does anyone have experience with this? 
Do you have particular devices you might recommend--or not?  Up for consideration by IT are iPad mini, Nexus, and Chromebooks.
If you have other tips for the transition, please share, on or off the list!


Mrs. Sara Kaluzynski

Library Media Specialist

Stratford High School

e-mail: kaluzynskis@stratfordk12.org

website: http://stratfordhighlmc.wikispaces.com/

45 North Parade 

Stratford, CT  06615

Phone (203) 385-4245

Fax (203) 381-6926

"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one."

Neil Gaiman

"Liberrian: One who picks liberries from wild liberry bushes and makes a liberry pie."--R. Lee Hadden (Library Juice)