The following webinars are scheduled for January 2013. Descriptions and registration information is listed below.

InfoPeople: Keeping Your Library Safe – Tues., Jan. 8th (Online)
•Are your attempts to control your library’s environment successful?
•Do your staff feel confident with implementing security policy?
•Are you really in charge of your library, or are the patrons in charge of you?

These questions and more will be answered during Warren’s frank and direct session on the essential elements you need to make your security program effective. During this hour, Warren will take the academic theory of security and show you how to actually apply it in the real world.

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
•understand and correct existing security policy
•define what makes a real-world security program work
•form rules and guidelines for library conduct
•empower front line staff to control the library environment

Register @

Educause: Data Privacy Month: Are You Smarter Than Your Phone? – Wed., Jan. 9th (Online)
 Nearly everyone on a college campus today has a mobile phone, capable of accomplishing amazing tasks while on the go. But, how SHOULD you make use of your smartphone? You are smarter than your phone if you know that you need to make careful choices about using your geo-location feature. You might post a picture to Facebook while on your European trip if there are other people still living at your address back home. But, if your house is empty while you travel, you would be smarter to wait to post until you get home. Do you really want everyone to know you are out alone at midnight by "checking in" at your local donut shop? You are smarter than your phone if you use sound judgment about revealing your location. You’re smarter than your phone if you know you need to think critically about the sensitivity of the data you put on or access through your phone. Do you use your phone for banking, without password protecting the device? Your phone is happy to do it. But you are smarter than your phone if you protect it with a password. If you’re not thinking critically about what you do with your phone, we’ll help you think again!

Register @

TechSoup: Transforming Communities Through Apps: Part II – Thurs., Jan. 10th (Online)
Interested in discovering more about developing apps to transform your community? Join us for a webinar designed especially for nonprofits and libraries! This webinar is the second part of a series on apps, as part of the App It Up project: Transforming Communities. We'll feature guests from nonprofits and libraries who will share their hands-on experience with you.

Register @

The Impact of an Ice Cream Sundae – Jan. 15th @ 2 pm EST   (Online)
What does an ice cream sundae have to do with library partnerships? Let’s pretend that your community organizations (school, academic, public and special libraries, and other local organizations) are your favorite kind of ice cream. Now let’s ladle your favorite toppings over the ice cream to represent  the organizations’ resources, programs, personnel and funding.  How can the ice cream “mix” with the toppings to be the most luscious dessert possible for the most people?  When community organizations collaborate to share their resources with one another, they make the biggest possible impact on the most lives. Learn easy, understandable and powerful strategies that will give you renewed energy to create bold and imaginative collaborations among all types of community organizations.  

Register @

InfoPeople: QR Codes: Bridging the Print-to-digital Divide – Thurs., Jan. 17th (Online)
QR codes (quick response codes) have been around for almost two decades now and libraries are beginning to use them to reach out and provide information and services. They are an excellent and inexpensive way for libraries to move their content and services out into busy public spaces, such as transportation hubs, mass transit vehicles and other local cultural and social institutions.
During this webinar we will explore current and potential uses of QR codes in libraries of all types while using the real-world experiences at the Contra Costa County Library as the primary examples and case studies.

At the end of the webinar participants will understand:
*The origins, purpose, and various uses worldwide of QR codes.
*Technical requirements and best practices for generating and using QR codes.
*The current and potential uses of QR codes in libraries.
*How QR codes fit into the broader mobile revolution.
*How libraries are using QR codes effectively.

Register @

Creating a Culture of Innovation in your Library and Community – Jan. 23rd @ 1 pm EST  (Online)
We hear about libraries that are leaders in innovation, implementing ideas that keep the library growing and vital. Perhaps you have watched from the sidelines and wished you could kickstart some innovation at your library, but you’re not sure where to start. Come to this webinar for an active and lively discussion on how to find innovative ideas, how to connect with the people to help make them happen, and how to get buy-in and support for your ideas. There is a lot to be learned from other libraries’ examples and experiences. 

Register @


If you are unable to attend a workshop visit  WebJunction Connecticut to find over 350 online courses
To Preview the Course Catalog:  OR  Request Course Access visit:
Free online courses for Connecticut library staff through the WebJunction Connecticut website. The course list includes, but is not limited to:
A+ Essentials 2009: Troubleshooting Computers and Printers
Accompanying the Young Reader: Helping the Reader Choose Appropriate Books (LibraryU)
Basic Presentation Skills: Delivering a Presentation
Customer Service Fundamentals: Building Rapport
Developing Motivating Messages (LibraryU)
Google(tm) Apps
JavaScript Language Basics
Keeping It Simple: Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Library
Marketing Essentials
Merchandising That Works
Readers Advisory Services
Web Development Fundamentals


















Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

