Please see attached flyer for more details and registration information.

“Connecting with the next generation of learners:                                     Creating and playing games for learning

While demands on learners and citizens in the 21st century have changed dramatically, the shift to new ways of technology-enabled teaching and learning has been slow to respond.  There is a noticeable gap between the technologies that young people use on their own and those used in school.  Of those technologies, video games stand out as a predominant medium, and one that has great unrealized potential for learning.    Over the past 10 years the Scheller Teacher Education Program and The Education Arcade at MIT have been designing, building and studying the use of video games for learning.  Professor Klopfer will discuss the design of learning games, and how those games play out in the lives of learners in and out of school.  A particular focus is on games for learning science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Sara Kelley-Mudie
CASL President
CECA/CASL Conference Co-chair
Library Director and Educational Technology Facilitator
The Forman School