I am announcing a series of workshops that folks might be interested in attending and advertising to others. Here is the announcement. I will also be announcing a call for papers for Tres. Mt. 18 to be held Nov 13-14 in Hartford CT shortly. Here is the workshop announcement:
For the past three years, my students, leaders across Canada, and I have
been developing the Virtual Learning Commons as a replacement for the
school library website. This is a giant collaborative that places the
school library at the heart of teaching and learning in the school.
will be conducting a series of three free workshops that will enable
you to experiment with and create a VLC for your school. And, you will
have something to showcase for Digital Learning Day in Feb.
three ninety minutes sessions will be Jan. 14, 21, and Feb. 4th at five
pm Pacific/eight pm eastern on each of the Monday evenings.
To create a collaborative virtual learning commons that replaces the
school library website. The site will contain five major virtual
- The Information Center,
- The Literacy Center,
- the Knowledge Building Center,
- The Experimental Learning Center, and
- School Culture.
will focus on using Google Sites as the construction tool, but other
software can be used. Participants will construct either a sandbox
prototype or a real VLC for their school. Opportunities
to collaborate across participants will be the focus.
To sign up, just send an email to me at: reader.daivd@gmail.com
And, I would appreciate it if you would announce this across whatever state networks you have access to.
The website for the series is building at: https://sites.google.com/site/virtuallearningcommonsworkshop/
Please join us.
Professor David V. Loertscher
School of Library and Information Science
San Jose State University
Home address: 312 South 1000 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
mobile: 801-755-1122
Home: 801-532-1165