Join us for a new webinar . . .
WoW in School: Video Games as Arenas for Quest-Based Learning
Tuesday, February 19 at 5pm ET
Presenters: Peggy Sheehy, Instructional Technology Facilitator, Suffern Middle School in New York; Laurence Cocco, Director, Office of Educational Technology, New Jersey Dept. of Education
Are you trying to close the rift between traditional classroom practice and the hyper "click, tap and swipe" learning innate in your students? Even once we grasp the inherent value in these tools, it can be difficult to find connections to the curriculum, classroom management advice, and examples of what the learning looks like.
Join us on February 19th when Laurence Cocco interviews Peggy Sheehy about using WoW in School as an arena for quest-based learning. Peggy will tell us about her journey with Lucas Gillispie of Pender County Schools hosting a hybrid, collaborative literacy program using World of Warcraft to engage youth in learning. After one year as an after-school program, their WoW in School project was refined, aligned to national core standards for English language arts (ELA), and introduced into the regular academic day.
We'll hear the steps taken to bring massively multiplayer online games into the classroom and how the "hidden curriculum" in games has provided opportunities for students to master real world skills that often elude traditional leaning environments. Peggy and Laurence also will provide practical ideas for leveraging the unique properties of video games for your teaching and a step-by-step protocol to establish a similar program in your school. Join them on February 19th to explore the WoW in School Hero's Journey curriculum and find out about joining the Cognitive Dissonance Guild, the educator network inside World of Warcraft.

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Game-Based Learning
This free online collaborative community provides a forum where educators, publishers, and game developers can come together to discuss guidelines and current practices, and most importantly, to share ideas to advance this emerging field.In our series of free webinars, live chats, and online discussions, you'll hear from experts and leaders in the field to find out what they are discovering and creating. Our presenters are among the leading innovators, game designers, and researchers working in the field.As a member of the community, you'll receive... - Invitations to free webinars and live chats.
- A CE certificate for attending/viewing our webinars.
- Access to all of the recorded webinars, presentations, resources, and online discussions.
- Access to the edWeb Learning Games Database, a collaborative compilation of gaming resources and reviews.
The Game-Based Learning PLC is a place where you can post questions, start discussions, connect with experts in the field, and share ideas and experiences with peers all across the country, and the world. This unique combination of webinars presented by leading experts, combined with a social networking community, creates a new way for the education community to connect and work together to help move forward faster with innovative new ideas about gaming and learning.