About our speaker
Leslie Maniotes, NBCT, MEd, PhD is a Teacher Effectiveness Coach in Denver Public Schools, a curriculum and literacy specialist, and a national consultant on inquiry learning and instructional design.
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Join us for a new webinar
Guided Inquiry Design: Tools for Learning How to Learn
Tuesday, February 26 at 4pm ET
Presented by: Leslie Kuhlthau Maniotes, PhD, teacher effectiveness coach in the Denver Public Schools as well as a curriculum specialist and national consultant on inquiry learning
One main goal of Guided Inquiry is to have our students increase their awareness of learning how they learn. How do we help students to become aware of their own learning through the inquiry process? How do teachers assess this learning?
Guided Inquiry Design includes a comprehensive set of tools embedded through the inquiry process. These tools have multiple functions. They are used to help students become aware of how they learn through inquiry and, at the same time, give teachers a formative assessment of the learning. In our community's next webinar, we will showcase the tools in Guided Inquiry Design, explore the depth and reach of their use, and explain how to implement tools throughout the inquiry process. Join Leslie Maniotes on February 26th for an exploration of Guided Inquiry Design tools to help your students learn how to be better learners
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