I have to ask the question. Why does it have to be 200 pages or less? I just went through our collection to see what I could recommend and only found two nonfiction books under 200 pages that might have broad appeal to students in grades 9-12. However, I’m sure I could come up with several books in the range between 200 and 350. Do you use Titlewave.com? In the advance search feature you can limit the page numbers, select nonfiction and young adult to find many title under 200 pages. 


Here are some possibilities from the Titlewave search:

·         Chasing Lincoln’s Killer by James L. Swanson

·         Dear Teen Me

·         Discovering Wes Moore by Wes Moore

·         I am a SEAL Team Six warrior : memoirs of an American soldier by Wasdin, Howard E.


These were the only two in CHS’s collection:

·         From Baghdad, with love : a Marine, the war, and a dog named Lava by Jay Kopelman with Melinda Roth

·         Parallel play : growing up with undiagnosed Asperger's by Tim Page


Good luck with finding a book for your summer reading program. Last year we used No Impact Man by Colin Beavan but it doesn’t work for your school because it has 276 pages though the book ends on page 225. The rest of the pages contain extra information such as the appendix and index.





Julie Yulo-Medeiros

School Librarian

Virtual High School Site Coordinator

Cromwell High School

34 Evergreen Road

Cromwell, CT 06416

860.632.4841 Ext: 14830




From: casl-l-bounces@mylist.net [mailto:casl-l-bounces@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Sandra Hayes
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 11:17 AM
To: 'casl-l@mylist.net'
Subject: [CASL-L] summer reading request




I am looking for a non-fiction book for summer reading that would be good for an entire high school.

It has to be 200 pages or less. Any suggestions?




Sandy Hayes '85

Library Media Center

Northwest Catholic High School

29 Wampanoag Drive

West Hartford, CT 06117

860-236-4221 ext 125




"Where you know that you belong"