I am using Noodletools, and I love it--especially the student collaboration feature, which Easy Bib currently doesn't have (but I think they are working on).
Out of curiostiy, I did ask for a price with the CLC discount, and Easy Bib came out twice as much.
There are some reviews out there, but tend to compare the Easy Bib upgrades with the older version of NoodleTools.
My daughter's school uses Easy Bib, and I am not a fan on the user end, either. Auto-citation feature seems nice but defaults to np and nd.
Damon Abilock is pretty amazing at responding to any questions.
We got a discount with subscription by all secondary schools.
Library Media Specialist
Stratford High School
e-mail: kaluzynskis@stratfordk12.org
website: http://stratfordhighlmc.wikispaces.com/
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