Cross-posted; please excuse duplication. Please forward as appropriate.




iCONN is pleased to offer a web page devoted to National Poetry Month at:


This page includes free access to EBSCO's Poetry & Short Story Reference Center for the month of April 2013. Use these credentials to access the resource:


user name = csl

password = csl


Our page also includes a link to free resources from Gale related to National Poetry Month, and a link to iCONN's own Other Useful Sites - Poetry page.


The link to iCONN’s National Poetry Month web page will be available from our landing pages and classic menus very soon.


We hope you will find these resources useful.


Eric Hansen

Electronic Resources Coordinator

786 South Main Street

Middletown, CT 06547-5101

Tel. 860.704.2224

888.256.1222 (in CT)

Fax 860.704.2228

