She Baaaack! Diane McKeever, instructor extraordinaire is back in May for three half-day workshops. To register access the Continuing Education Calendar of Events online @


Tables in Word 2010 – May, 15th (MLSC)

Come and find out about one of the best kept secrets in Microsoft Word…Tables. Tables can be used in all kinds of word documents to organize information. Any name & address list you’ve ever created would have benefited from being created in a table. Any budget report, book list, etc. would have been easier if you had used tables. Come on down and find out all about them.

Topics will include:
Inserting tables
Resizing columns
Adding rows
Formatting cells
Inserting graphics
Changing cell alignment


Wed., May 15, 2013

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Middletown Library Service Center
Fee: $15.00  Limit: 12


Advanced Excel 2010 – May 15th (MLSC)

In this workshop you will move beyond the basics and explore more advanced functions, including Today, IF and PMT. You will learn how to name cells and ranges, use those names in formulas and functions. In addition, you will explore the powerful database features of Excel that make it easy to sort, filter and add subtotals

Topics will include:
Creating advanced functions
Naming cells and ranges
Developing formulas using named cells and ranges
Using 3-D functions to calculate across worksheets
Defining absolute and relative references
Creating elapsed time/day formulas
Constructing databases
Sorting, filtering and subtotaling data
Creating pivot tables

**Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Excel 2010 and Excel formulas is a needed**


Wed., May 15, 2013

1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Middletown Library Service Center
Fee: $15.00  Limit: 12



Outlook 2007: It’s More Than Email –  May 17th (MLSC)

 If you think that Outlook is only an email program this class is for you. We'll start with the email features of the program and then explore the Calendar, Contacts, Journal and To Do Lists. You'll become the power user in your library.

At this workshop you will:

•Add options to your email, including voting buttons
•Organizing your mail with folders
•Define auto signatures
•Look at rules for managing spam
•Create meetings and extend electronic invitations
•Define contacts and groups
•Use To Dos and share them with others
•Track entries in the Journal


Friday, May 17, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Middletown Library Service Center
Fee: $15.00  Limit: 12



















Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

