As I reported on Friday, the Appropriations Committee adopted a budget that retains funding for CCARD at the current level (the Governor’s proposed budget would have reduced CCARD funding by $200,000). This was the only change from the Governor’s proposed budget to those items affecting State Library operations.  Negotiations between the Governor’s Office and the Legislature will determine the final budget which is not expected until June.


In addition to restoring CCARD funding, the Appropriations Committee has proposed moving the State Library under the Secretary of the State.  There is no implementing language at this time so I don’t have any details of how this will work. In a time of government consolidation, I have felt that is was only a matter of time before we ceased to be an independent agency. As you may remember, in the last budget cycle the State Library lost its Fiscal Office and its HR Office – these functions were transferred to the Department of Administrative Services.  I believe that Secretary of the State’s office would be a good fit for the State Library. In recent times, the Arizona State Library was placed under the Secretary of the State’s office and it has been beneficial to both. 


Certainly much more to come.  I will keep you posted.




Kendall F. Wiggin

State Librarian

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Ave.

Hartford  CT  06106



FAX: 860-757-6503




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