The following Continuing Education workshops have been scheduled for June 2013. To register access the Continuing Education Calendar of Events @



Basic Book Repair: Tools & Techniques –June 3rd (MLSC)

Would you like to save money by getting more uses per book? Would you like to keep that out-of-print book in circulation to meet your library patron's needs? Would you like to quickly repair the broken book spine that came in your new book shipment, rather than waiting for a replacement? Many repairs that can extend the life of your library collection are fast and simple, and can be done with easy-to-obtain, inexpensive materials. This workshop is appropriate for a library staff member or volunteer who will be doing book repair. Emphasis will be on simple repairs for the everyday public or school library collection, rather than on archival or long-term preservation techniques.

Topics covered will include:
•Basic book handling and cleaning, and some damage prevention measures
•Materials needed for basic book repair and where to get them
•How to repair a torn page & how to reinsert a loose page or group of pages
•How to reattach a paperback cover
•Some repair options for simple hardcover spine problems
•When to cover, re-sew, encase, or rebind books
•Resources for book repair - websites, brochures, etc.

**HANDS-ON: BRING SOME DAMAGED BOOKS TO SHARE AND REPAIR - Some supplies will be available for sharing. Optionally, you may also bring your own book repair tools to work with, such as scissors, box cutter or Xacto knife, ruler, bone folder, glue stick, and/or glue brush.**


Advanced Book Repair: Hardcover Techniques – June 3rd (MLSC)

Would you like to save money by getting more uses per book? Have you already done all the easy repairs and have a shelf left over of difficult broken spines on hardcover books? Do you have staff time to do repair work, rather than budget money to replace or rebind books? This workshop is appropriate for a library staff member or volunteer who has done basic book repair or taken a basic book repair workshop and is ready to try some advanced repair techniques. Emphasis will be on spine repairs for hardcover books, where professional rebinding is not an option due to brittle paper, or lack of access to a bindery or the funds to pay for rebinding. The purpose is on getting books back into circulation, rather than on archival or long-term
preservation techniques, although conservation-friendly reversible repair techniques will be the focus.

Topics covered will include:
Hardcover book construction
Types of hardcover spines
Materials needed for advanced book repair and where to get them
How to repair a cracked or broken spine
How to make a new spine
How to re-attach covers to hardbound books
Hollow-tube spine repair method
Interior hinge repair

**HANDS-ON: ONE BOOK WILL BE PROVIDED TO EACH PARTICIPANT FOR PRACTICE REPAIRS – YOU MAY BRING ADDITIONAL DISCARDED BOOKS TO WORK ON THAT ARE NOT VALUABLE (Hardcover repair workshop books may not be suitable for returning to a library collection – it takes some practice!) Some supplies will be available for sharing. Optionally, you may also bring your own book repair tools to work with, such as scissors, box cutter or Xacto knife, ruler, bone folder, glue stick, and/or glue brush.**


Communicating Proactively – June 4th (MLSC)

Sponsored by the Connecticut State Library the CLA Customer Service Committee

Many of the most successful people in life have one thing in common - excellent communication skills. This is both an art and a skill. Everyone at one point has experienced a conversation where they feel like the other person is speaking a completely different language. Find out what it takes to communicate clearly and concisely the first time. You will learn how to ask the right questions to save you time, money and aggravation.

Learning Objectives:


Improving Customer Service: What To Do When Things Go Wrong – June 11th (Henry Carter Hull)

Join us for an informative, interactive and fun half-day customer service workshop appropriate for all levels of library staff and management. This event will focus on building skills in five areas:

*Active Listening
*Dialing Down Emotion
*The Right Way to Apologize
*Problem Solving
*Following up

We'll start with a discussion of core customer service skills, and then move into how library staff - even introverts - can easily leverage those skills to solving the big and small problems that arise when dealing with the public. Participants will have the opportunity to practice newly-learning techniques interactively.


Records Management Essentials For Public Libraries & Library Associations – June 13th (MLSC)

The Office of the Public Records Administrator is responsible for developing and directing a records management program for Connecticut’s municipalities and state agencies within the executive branch. This office publishes retention schedules/disposition schedules, approves disposition authorizations, provides training and conducts inspections to ensure compliance with public records statutes and regulations. In this workshop, you will learn about your institution’s records management responsibilities and your own responsibilities. Topics include basic concepts of records management such as records retention and disposition and best practices for managing email and electronic records.


Introduction to WordPress Websites – June 19th (MLSC)

Looking for a simple way to have an attractive and useful web presence? One that is easy to maintain as well? Sound too good to be true? Come learn how it can be done with Wordpress. Wordpress is a content management system that lets you create and maintain a website without learning complex & expensive web development software. At the end of the workshop you'll be able to update your Wordpress website from any computer that has an internet connection.

Not sure if you have Wordpress available to you? Check with your website hosting service, they'll be able to help you. There are also services that let you set up a Wordpress site for free. During this workshop we'll provide you with a temporary Wordpress website that you can use as a model for later development.

In this session we'll cover
How Wordpress helps you organize your information
Setting up an easy to update page for news.
Changing the look of your site through the use of themes.
Options for letting people leave comments on your site.
Incorporating content from blogs, flickr and other services.
Adding media content on your pages.
And much more!


Tech Tools: Evernote Basics & Productivity Tools – June 20th (WLSC)

Evernote is an amazing tool for keeping track of everything you might otherwise lose track of. At it's simplest, it's a great note-taking tool. But that's just the start. With browser and app add-ons, you can clip web content directly into Evernote, save the full text of articles and web pages complete with sections highlighted, email
notes and content from multiple devices, store documents, take video notes, record audio and more. And that's just the free version. With the premium version you can store text searchable PDF files and more. It really can be your external brain!

Best of all, Evernote synchronizes with all your computers and portable devices, giving you access to your notes everywhere. Content can be organized into notebooks that are private or shared with  others as need be. Notes can be tagged with with your own keywords to help you find content later.

In this workshop we'll delve into Evernote and its family of products that includes Clearly, Skitch and Evernote Food. We'll also look at how other productivity apps, like IFTTT, Google Reader and more, can interact with Evernote. If you have a smartphone and/or tablet, bring them with you so you can explore tools for your
devices. We'll also be working on PCs in the computer lab.

If you don't already have an Evernote account, please sign up for the free service before the workshop, so we can dive right into
working with the tools.


Intermediate WordPress – June 21st (MLSC)

In the basic "WordPress as a Content Management System" workshop you learned how to create Pages to display static content, use Posts to create a news page, select themes to make your site look great and
use widgets to create a sidebar of content for your library site. In this session you'll learn much more about managing your own installation of WordPress and customizing your library's WordPress
based web site.

Topics will include:
Tips on keeping your site secure and well maintained.
Using the file editor to make minor edits to theme files.
Customizing CSS to make simple changes to site.
Great plugins that add great features to WordPress.
New WordPress features including the Custom Menus options.
Finding & installing themes and plugins
How to work with Child Themes

















Kris Abery

Continuing Education Coordinator

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

Tele: 860.704.2206
Fax: 704.2228

