If you are available on short notice, NEASC is looking for a library media specialist to serve on a committee starting this Sunday.  Serving on a NEASC visitation team is an extremely educational and rewarding experience, and is especially helpful for understanding the NEASC expectations for your own school.  If you are interested, please let me know and I will forward your information.




From: Woodman, Christine
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 8:18 AM
To: Perry, Julie
Subject: NEASC visitation


HI Julie-

NEASC is in desperate need of a team member to make a visit to Burriville, RI.  The visit would be this weekend Sunday the 28th  through Wednesday May 1st.  If you know of anyone that is able to help out, please let me know. 

Thanks so much!
