





Overall, libraries fared well in the legislative session that ended at midnight last night.



Funding for CCARD was maintained at the current level with no cap on how much a library can receive.


The State Library was not moved to the Secretary of States office as had been proposed by the Appropriations Committee.


Overall funding for library programs was appropriated at the current level.


Public Library Construction

$10 million was appropriated ($5 million in each year of the biennium) for non-distressed communities.


The states share of a project was increased from 1/3 to 1/2 with the total grant still not to exceed $1 million.


Within available funds, libraries will now be able to apply on an as needed basis for grants up to $100,000 to fund emergency building and major equipment repairs.




Special Act No. 13-10 -  AN ACT CONCERNING A STUDY REGARDING THE AVAILABILITY OF ELECTRONIC BOOKS TO USERS OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES was passed and has been sent to the Governor for his signature.




Public Act No. 13-17 - AN ACT CONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF THE UNIFORM ELECTRONIC LEGAL MATERIAL ACT was signed into law on May 7 by the Governor.


Thank You

I would like to thank all of you who contacted legislators to support funding for CCARD, the ebook legislation and UELMA.  Your voices do make a difference.

I would also like to thank CLA, the CLA Legislative Committee, FOCL, ACLB, SNELLA, and CLA lobbyist Bobby Shea for their work on behalf of libraries.


We have a lot more to do and hopefully as the economy improves so too can funding for libraries.





Kendall F. Wiggin

State Librarian

Connecticut State Library

231 Capitol Ave.

Hartford  CT  06106



FAX: 860-757-6503




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