UGH!! The worst time of the year for me is trying to collect outstanding books!
I too have all books due 2 weeks before school ends and then I spend ALL of the next few weeks gathering the books. I have two libraries which logistically makes the collection challenging. I am constantly running back and forth checking who still has books out so I am not calling and emailing families who have already returned.
Our policy is to hold report cards until a family makes contact with the principal to plead their case. I am not always aware of who is on free and reduced lunch or who is in a special circumstance but the principal does. He then determines the "payment" options~whether to waive it, partial payments and we have even had struggling families "work" off their lost books with school jobs.
In any case, I would not want to do any circulation closer to the end of the year. Book round-up is already a BIG job in the time we already have put aside.
Good luck my colleagues!