We have traditionally subscribed to eLibrary, NewsBank Infoweb and the entire collection of ABC-CLIO History databases.

For many years (way back when it was a print source and later CD-ROM, then online) we subscribed to SIRS Knowledge Network…we dropped this one several years ago due to budget cuts, not for lack of observed usage.


For about 4 years we have subscribed to eScience but plan to discontinue due to changes in curriculum and lack of use.


This year, due to further budget cuts, it is quite probable that we will need to discontinue eLibrary.


All of our databases are used whenever I am actively involved in lessons and collaborative planning, as I teach their use (especially Advanced Search techniques), and include requirements in the lesson rubric to ensure their use for locating reliable sources.  However, so many teachers short-cut my direct involvement…with a result of students opting to use only their favorite Search Engine (ie. Googling).  I periodically remind teachers of the advantages in using databases and promote their use and strengths whenever and wherever I can. I also stress that fact that colleges maintain many database subscriptions and that our students going on to post-secondary education should be familiar with their advantages and be skilled in their use.  For many years in a formal Information Management curriculum, I was able to teach all 9th graders these skills along with many others.  The course was discontinued and the 9th grade Wellness project, although helpful, does not come close to providing the time to embed all the needed skills. 


I also embed use of iconn.org databases whenever I can.  The recent change of vendor from Gale to EBSCO poses challenges as the products on the iconn site will all be new and different to students already familiar with the Gale products.


I routinely embed use of databases in a required 9th grade Wellness class research project. 



Jean Alvarez-Calderon

Library Media Specialist

Granby Memorial High School

860-844-3014 (Media Center Option 5)




From: casl-l-bounces+calderonj=granby.k12.ct.us@mylist.net [mailto:casl-l-bounces+calderonj=granby.k12.ct.us@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Nancy Carlson
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:45 AM
To: casl-l@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] HS Databases


We are reviewing our databases.  I was wondering what are your top two databases that are used by your students?  Thanks for your input.

Nancy Carlson

Farmington High School

Farmington CT




Nancy Carlson
Farmington High School
10 Monteith Drive
Farmington, CT  06032
carlsonn@fpsct.org or nan71753@gmail.com