I agree with the idea of documenting the teaching aspect but I think circulation is also a key component for many libraries that don't have a structured teaching schedule.
Kris Woods, LMS at my "sister middle school" developed a program that we both implemented this year.
Hers is called "ATTaCK" (A Trail Toward Cross-Curricular Knowledge) and mine is "TRACKS" (To Read Across Contents = Knowledge and Success) - flyer attached.
The purpose is to get kids to read books outside their comfort zone by requiring that they read 12 books - 6 fiction from different genre and 6 non-fiction from various Dewey sections.
The data from doing this program was an increase in overall circulation and definitely of non-fiction....  We both teach all the time but I believe that the circulation statistics help support the fact that students are reading more across the curriculum which is going to help them become stronger readers in the long run.  It also supports the need to maintain a strong collection!!
In the brochure, we state WHY we do this:  

The Common Core State Standards

expect students to be proficient in
reading complex informational text
independently in a variety of

content areas.


Also, the goals:

· Provide reading experiences for varied genres and contents

· Use skills, resources, and tools to pursue
personal and aesthetic growth

· Enrich curriculum information in content

· Increased reading fluency

· Vocabulary development

· Connections to content area literacy

· Background knowledge

· Understanding of Dewey Decimal system

· Library catalog search skills

· Student ownership of learning goals

· Writing for a public audience

· Self-efficacy of reading development

· Differentiated learning


We will be presenting the program at the IDEAxCHANGE at AASL this fall!  http://national.aasl.org/ideaxchange
Lisa Carroll
Library Media Specialist
Instructional Resources Coordinator
Northeast Middle School
530 Stevens Street
Bristol, CT  06010
(860) 584-7839 x136

>>> Deborah Sharpe <DSharpe@woodstockacademy.org> 6/17/2013 12:29 PM >>>

Hello everyone,


I am looking for ideas for data collection for the upcoming new teacher evaluation.  Since I do not teach at all, the options are limited.  Is anyone planning on using anything other than circulation statistics for data?  If you have any good ideas, I would appreciate if you could send them my way. 


Thanks so much!!

Deb Sharpe

Woodstock Academy