I have worked with Hhistory at the middle school level. My part was to share inquiry based learning and collaborate with them as they created guaranteed research experiences per grade level. I went to the meeting prepared with the Crosswalk from AASL, knowledge of their current curriculum, and really ideas as to how to get students to do more authentic research. Oh, and I also had a bank of lessons that I could teach students  - search strategies, citations, etc.
Michele Lane
Library Media Specialist
William J. Johnston Middle School
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From: casl-l-bounces@mylist.net on behalf of Matthew Cadorette
Sent: Tue 6/18/2013 3:48 PM
To: casl-l@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] Curriculum Writing

I have been invited to work with our history department on their curriculum revision.


If you have worked on a curriculum team, what role did you play as a school librarian?


Were you with the team throughout the process or did you come in at a certain point?


I have some ideas of my own, but I would like to know what others have done.


Thanks for your help.


Matthew Cadorette


Waterford High School

Waterford, CT 06385

(860) 437-6956


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