I am not sure how many of you know me. My name is Carol LaRow, and I have presented for CASL and/or CECA, at the annual conferences, since the year 2000.  In the past eight years, my topics have been mostly Google ones at the conferences. I am the “Google Apps For Education” regional leader for several Eastern States, which means all of Connecticut. I am also a Google Certified Trainer and a Google Certified Teacher.

I have been answering Google questions and “Google Apps For Education” questions for CASL members “off the list” for a while now. I see the questions posted on this list, and I try to contact each person directly so they have a chance to ask me their specific questions.

I haven’t posted directly to the list because I thought it would be easier for people to ask me their specific questions privately, and we could have several emails back and forth, which can be quite lengthy.

I am posting this message today because my membership for CASL expires this month, and I am not sure if I will be renewing it. I have memberships in many organizations.  I wanted to be sure you knew you could reach out to me using the email address below, in case I do not renew my CASL membership.

I hope to present at the CASL Conference again. I have always enjoyed your conferences and find them worthwhile.

Carol LaRow

Carol LaRow
Google Apps For Education Regional Leader, Eastern States
Google Certified Trainer
Google Certified Teacher
Apple Distinguished Educator
Smithsonian Laureate
Webpage:  http://www.carollarow.com
Email:  larowc@gmail.com
Phone: 518-377-8332