SCSU is petitioning for a review of its status.  Do not be alarmed.  You will receive your certification from a reputable university.  Your expertise will be in demand.  Currently, there are several LMS openings in the state. Your student teaching experience and the recommendations that you will ask for from your teaching colleagues, cooperating LMS and administrator will support your professionalism.

From: Jessi Noel <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 2:39 PM
Subject: [CASL-L] ALA Withdraw from Southern CT State University

Good Afternoon,

I graduated with my MLS from Southern this past December and will completing my student teaching for School Media Certification in September.  A colleague just sent me an email informing me that the ALA recently decided to withdraw ALA accreditation from SCSU. I'm starting to panic and was wondering if any current school librarians have any insight as how this will affect my future as a school librarian if at all?  Thank you for any insight you might have.


Jessi Dalton

"All art requires courage."  Anne Tucker

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