Cross-posted; please excuse duplication. Please forward as appropriate.


To help our K12 students navigate to their relevant resource menu, iCONN’s public library landing page and classic menu pages now link directly to the high school, middle school, and elementary school versions of those pages. This way, your students can login to from home with their public library card numbers and still access the iCONN school resource menus. You can preview these changes by pointing to our Linking to iCONN From Your Website document (Figure 1 and Figure 2) here:


This document also includes handy ways of linking to iCONN from your website.


We hope you and your students will find the added links a useful feature.


Eric Hansen

Electronic Resources Coordinator

786 South Main Street

Middletown, CT 06547-5101

Tel. 860.704.2224

888.256.1222 (in CT)

Fax 860.704.2228

