Greetings -


The Nutmeg committee has a surplus of Nutmeg brochures that we are willing to send to you via c-car. Please let me know how many brochures you would like for Intermediate, Teen and High School you would like and I will send them on a first come, first serve basis. We have a set amount so please request only what you will definitely use.


In order to consolidate mailings, if you are a public librarian please check to see if the school librarians would also like some brochures and vice versa.  


Please be sure to include your name, your library name and your c-car route. If that information is not given to me, I cannot honor your request. 


Please send requests to:


Thank you and happy reading!




Joan Stokes
Children's Librarian/ Assistant Head Librarian
Southbury Public Library
100 Poverty Rd.
Southbury, CT. 06488
203-262-0626 ext. 112