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From: "" <>
Date: September 24, 2013 at 7:04:50 AM EDT
Subject: Dept of Ed | Connected Educator Month - October 2013
Reply-To: - A professional learning and social network

The US Dept of Education Announces Connected Educator Month   
Dear edWeb members and friends,

The US Department of Education has declared October "Connected Educator Month," aimed at broadening and deepening educator participation in online communities and networks while providing opportunities for education leaders to work together to move forward faster.

Online communities and learning networks are helping educators learn together, reduce isolation, and collaborate with extended networks of colleagues. As an edWeb member, you are already a connected educator!  I hope you'll join in this celebration of how the power of online communities can improve teaching and learning.


Connected Educator Month will be celebrated with a month of online events and activities sponsored by more than 150 major national education organizations, communities, and companies - including edWeb!

edWeb's October events are now posted on the edWeb Google Calendar, but also check out the Connected Educator calendar and join in the many special activities being held this month. 

Lisa's Signature

Lisa W. Schmucki
Founder and CEO
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