TRENDSPOTTING 2013 is filling up fast - don't miss out!

Calling all "Maker" fans and skeptics!

Wondering how the Maker trend fits with your library or library mission?
Passing on this trend because of budget or space restrictions?
Do we have the program for you!

   Tuesday, October 1 @ Westport Library
   9:30am - 4:00pm
   $65 CLC members, $85 non-members
   Register Now -

Come learn about the  possibilities for customizing and adapting the MakerSpace concept to fit your community:
~ Innovative thinkers and creators will instruct you on concepts and lead you in hands-on activities.
~ Touch,  feel, and experience a variety of Maker tools and materials so you can  form your own ideas about what a Maker space might be.
~ Leave with practical ideas for launching your very own Maker space at the library, no matter the size of your space or budget.
~ Take home your own hand-made badge of achievement!

Don't miss the most fun and energizing learning opportunity of the year!

Seating is limited - Register now!


Leah Farrell, MLIS

Coordinator, Member Relations, Educational Programs and Events

Connecticut Library Consortium

860-344-8777 x102


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