At Silas Deane Middle School in Wethersfield we had a 79% participation rate for summer 2013 (we have 600 students). Last year and the year before were higher participation rates (86% and 82%) but this past summer we switched to an online book review and log format vs traditional paper and pencil which may account for the drop. We're still looking into it.

We work collaboratively with public library staff (we had students register at school on computer for their teen summer reading program and showed kids how to add reviews and print their log) using the program the public library had through the state grant. We also do a field trip to the public library in May (we are lucky it is next door) with seventh graders and facilitate their getting library cards with public library. The teen librarian explains their program to students. At school, I put together and give students time to watch book trailers and have kids recommend and make lists for potential reading (with me and then followed up to finish in LA classes) before leaving for summer.  I also visit sixth grade clssses at elementary schools to promote it with incoming students. We also inform parents through the district website and a descriptive mailing with final report cards. We don't assign a particular book. Just read and log books!

Our participation rates were much lower before we started doing these things. The assignment used to be more directed and involved. Keeping it simple (a reading log) and allowing book choice has made a positive difference for us with improved participation.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
Date: 09/27/2013 10:00 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Judith Beahan <>,Victoria Phillips <>,Elaine Lettiere <>,CASL listserv <>
Subject: RE: [CASL-L] Summer reading question

I am a new LMS at an urban k-8. I received SIX reading packets back. We have approx 350 students!

Doreen Lopez
Library Media Specialist
Reed Elementary School - 33 Griggs St. - Waterbury, CT 06704<>
203-574-8180    FAX - 203-574-6884
From: [] on behalf of Judith Beahan []
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 11:07 AM
To: Victoria Phillips; Elaine Lettiere; CASL listserv
Subject: RE: [CASL-L] Summer reading question

Thank you to Elaine for opening up this topic. I struggle with this Governor’s Reading Challenge thing every year. When we offered a “reward” like ice cream and a free book we get about 200 participants (out of 800 students).  This year due to lack of funds, there was no incentive except the certificate and I only got 100 journals returned.
I think more students are reading based on the public library telling me their programs are a huge success, but parents don’t encourage the students to return the journals. Personally, it doesn’t matter to me as long as they are reading!!!
I really like this idea of the public library grant.  I am going to keep this in mind for next year.

Judy Beahan, MLS
Librarian/Media Specialist
Griswold Elementary School
303 Slater Avenue
Griswold, CT 06351

From: [] On Behalf Of Victoria Phillips
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Elaine Lettiere; CASL listserv
Subject: RE: [CASL-L] Summer reading question

Hi Elaine,

Hope you are well! I'm writing to you from my new position at East Haddam Elementary!

My hometown (Coventry) did the greatest thing this summer. The public library has a grant through the state where they track summer reading and it automatically gets reported to the school. No more forms, or hand tallying. We were given directions to create an account and tallied reading hours online all summer at our town library. We would stop in the library for prizes after a certain amount of days as we met goals along the way. They had a big end of summer reading party for the participants in August and the info was passed along automatically. The tally of his reading was automatically sent to school at the end of the program and he got his certificate sent home the other day saying he participated. Loved it!

I plan on contacting the town libraries in East Haddam in the spring to see if they particpate in this and if we could partner up on a community/town initiative to combine our summer reading efforts. The state is only providing this service through public libraries, but it certainly benefits us if you get in touch with the librarians in town and they are willing to participate.   It's a win-win for the schools (so much less work for the LMS, public libraries who get the website funded for them, and the parents who didn't have to keep track of a paper all summer or remember to turn it in.  Great way to connect with other librarians outside of school too.  Contact Booth & Dimock in Coventry for more info. :)

Torrie Phillips
Library Media Specialist
East Haddam Elementary School
(860) 873-5076<>

From:<> [] on behalf of Elaine Lettiere []
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 9:38 AM
To: CASL listserv
Subject: [CASL-L] Summer reading question
Good morning everyone.

I have been reflecting on our summer reading activities at both our elementary and middle school (PK-8) with an eye on how to improve summer reading for next summer.  It seems to me that our summer reading reporting forms tend to be an indicator of whether a family follows the summer reading directions rather than an indicator of actual reading.  I always dutifully fill out the Governor's Summer Reading form and fax it to the state reporting average participation and average number of books read, but I have no idea if our numbers are typical of other schools.

We have been hovering at about 60% participation over the past couple of years and I am wondering what other schools average for participation.  If you report these numbers, would you mind giving a shout out so that I can get a sense of where we fall compared to other schools.


Elaine Lettiere
School Librarian
Preston Veterans Memorial School
Preston Plains Middle School
Preston, CT

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