I'd recommend getting in contact with the folks at CLC http://ctlibrarians.org/

They might have some assistance for grants but I know they're going to be doing bulk purchasing for maker equipment for member discounts. And the MakerSpace conference that they did for Trendspotting this week was great!

Ben Ide
University of Hartford Libraries

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 1:07 PM, Cathy Andronik <cathyandronik@yahoo.com> wrote:
One of our teachers and I are about to start looking into technolgy/MakerSpace-type grants to purchase a 3D printer.  I've skimmed the usual suspects (CASL, ALA, AASL, YALSA, ISTE, CECA) without seeing anything that looks likely.  Any suggestions?  The printer costs about $2500.
Cathy Andronik
Brien McMahon HS