1.  Parent Portal is in the works this year.
2. BYOD not yet officially allowed.
3. Social Media sites no longer blocked/filtered, but TECHNICALLY not allowed, either.  Individual teachers do encourage academic use of Social Media.
4.  I've been at my current job 14 years and we haven't used borrower's cards as long as I've been here.  Other schools in the district, however, just stopped using them 8-10 years ago.
5.  E-books--I have a subscription to BrainHive and a handful of Nooks, but we haven't gotten into e-books wholeheartedly yet.  Our kids seem to prefer hardcopy!  I offered my bookclub the option of book-books or e-books last year.  Unanimously voted for book-books.  (The members get to keep their books.)  Of course, we haven't had a budget for two years now, so we haven't been able to buy book-books, either.  : (
6. Bought a handful of Nooks last year. 
7. Ipads--no.  90% of the school is PC rather than Mac based.  I do recommend apps to individual teachers.
8.  Smartboards are not yet in ALL classrooms, but they've been going in a few at a time for 6-7 years now.  Ironically, the library got a Smartboard in its classroom (which has been taken over as an academic classroom) but not in its computer lab, which does not even have a ceiling-mounted projector!  Thank goodness for cheap, portable lcd projectors!
Cathy Andronik
Brien McMahon HS

From: Pamela Mudry <PMudry@ansonia.org>
To: "casl-l@mylist.net" <casl-l@mylist.net>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 6:51 AM
Subject: [CASL-L] Help!

HELP!!!   I need information on the following.  If you have a minute (yeah, I know) I’m looking for the year (or approximate range if you’re unsure) of when these events may have occurred in your school/district.
1.       When a Parent portal was made available?
2.       When BYOD was officially allowed in your school/district?
3.       When Social Media was allowed for academic purposes?
4.       When school library stopped using borrower’s cards?
5.       When school library first started purchasing eBooks?
6.       When tablets/eReaders became available to students?
7.       When iPads/apps were first used by teachers/students?
8.       When Smartboards were installed in all classrooms?
Any responses, on any of these, would help me tremendously. J
Thanks so much,
Pamela M. Mudry
Media Specialist
Ansonia High School
20 Pulaski Highway
Ansonia, CT  06401
(203) 736-5060 x149

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