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From: Ruth V Small <>
Date: October 14, 2013 at 4:25:17 PM EDT
To: "" <>
Subject: [aaslforum] Web Site Evaluation Instruments

ANNOUNCING…WebCHECK: The Web Site Evaluation Instrument


The Center for Digital Literacy at Syracuse University is pleased to launch WebCHECK: The Website Evaluation Instrument (aka WebCHECK), funded by an Institute for Museum & Library Services SPARKS! Ignition Grant. Questions or comments? Contact Dr. Ruth Small, Project Director at


What is WebCHECK?

·        WebCHECK is a series of instruments that were designed for educators, Web designers, professional development instructors, and students.

·        It can be used by general and special educators, librarians, and administrators to assess Web sites for teaching and learning and by individuals or groups of students to learn the importance of evaluating Internet resources and to assess Web sites they use for assignments and projects.


What WebCHECK instruments make up the series?

·        WebCHECK Professional, designed for educators and Web designers to use for (1) assessing the quality of Web sites used for assignments and learning activities and (2) determining how to improve the quality of locally-designed personal, classroom, library and/or school Websites.

·        WebCHECK Senior, designed for high school students (grades 9-12)

·        WebCHECK Middle, designed for middle school students (grade 5-8)

·        WebCHECK Junior, designed for elementary school students (grades 2-4)

·        WebCHECK for Facilitors, designed for K-12 educators, administrators and higher education faculty to use when assigning a single Web site to be evaluated by groups or classes of students or by educators in an in-service or professional development workshop.

What makes WebCHECK unique:

·        based on a foundation of instructional design and motivation theory.

·        available online, fully automated, and free.

·        both fun and easy-to-use.

·        a powerful instructional and learning tool.

·        generates a full evaluation report to share results with teachers, administrators, students, parents, etc.

·        uses graphs for visual representation of scores and text for details and interpretations.

·        On the WebCHECK Web site, you will find all of the instruments, as well as more than 30 lesson plans, designed by school librarians nationwide, that incorporate WebCHECK at various levels and subject areas.


How do I use WebCHECK?

1.      Go to the site at

2.      If you are using WebCHECK with students, thoroughly read the Notes to Educators as it contains essential information for using these instruments with your students.  For example there are vocabulary words and skills (e.g., graphing) that should be taught or reviewed before using WebCHECK with students.

3.      Decide if you will use WebCHECK with individuals or with a group or class. If a group of class, choose WebCHECK for Facilitators and follow the directions for group/class use.

4.      Design and implement a lesson or use/adapt one of the lesson plans on the site.

Ruth V. Small, Ph.D.

Laura J. & L. Douglas Meredith Professor

Director, Center for Digital Literacy

Co-Editor, School Library Research

School of Information Studies

Syracuse University

105 Hinds Hall

Syracuse, New York 13244-4100; 315/443-6144