Please join us for the third annual global conversation about the future of libraries: October 18-19, 2013, http://www.library2013.com. The conference is once again being held entirely online around the clock in multiple languages and time zones. Everyone is invited to participate in this FREE forum designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among information professionals worldwide.
We have 146 accepted conference sessions and ten keynote addresses. There are eight conference strands covering a wide variety of timely topics, such as, MOOCs, e-books, maker spaces, mobile services, embedded librarians, green libraries, doctoral student research, library and information center "tours," and more! The current schedule in US-Eastern Daylight Time is below; hour-by-hour session schedules for all of the world's major time zones are published on the site and you should use those for the most current information.
To be kept informed of the latest conference news and updates, please
join the Library 2.0 network. You do not need to join this network to attend, but doing so will also allow you to correspond with the presenters and other members, and to comment on sessions and discussions. All conference sessions will be recorded and become available immediately after the conference (as are the past two year's conference sessions). The "Connected Librarians" pre-conference day was this past Monday, and the recordings of those sessions are now available online at http://www.connectedlibrarians.com.
Hope to "see you" online!
Steve Hargadon http://www.stevehargadon.com
US-Eastern Daylight Time, all sessions 1 hour (except Hungarian sessions which are 30 minutes)
See full listing in your own time zone, with session detail and links, HERE.
Friday, October 18
- KEYNOTE - SANDY HIRSH: The Global Transformation of Libraries, LIS Education, and LIS Professionals
- Easing Into Writing and Publishing for the Profession - Alexandra Janvey, Visiting Librarian
- Five Aggressive Approaches to E-Resource Promotion - Laura Miller, Marketing Manager
- Information 2.0: The Era of Big Data - Dr. Marc Kosciejew
- No More Tallies: Choosing a Web-Based Reference Statistics Tool - Mandi Goodsett, Reference Librarian/Assistant Professor/Government Documents Coordinator
- Tips for connecting your school library with teachers + the classroom -- from acquiring new materials to supporting the Common Core and other curriculum needs -- we'll show you how. - Lori Cahill - User Experience Lead, Titlewave Team
- Training Copy Cataloguers in RDA - Donna Frederick, Metadata Librarian
- Using Gimlet to Impact Reference Communication in Your Library - Tina Chan, Assistant Coordinator of Reference
- Information literacy skills of university students - Dr. Katalin Varga associate professor
- The usage of data mining technologies in the library / Adatbányászati technológiák könyvtári hasznosítása - Edina Kovacs - student
- "Tour" of Liaison Services and Challenges for STEM Outreach - Lea Leininger, Health Sciences Librarian
- Federated or harvested searching ... so many ways to combine options and confuse researchers. - David Stern, Associate Dean for Public ServicesLibrary
- Find Your Oasis: Improving Virtual Services to Patrons Who Cannot Physically Come to the Library - Barbara Alvarez- Adult Services Librarian
- Opportunities for LIS Graduates: Capitalizing on our Transferable Competencies - Melissa Fraser-Arnott, PhD Student + Librarian
- So Your Library Wants To Led iPads - Heather Westhaver, Librarian Trainer
- WLMA - Richard Byrne
- Changes of library usage in Hungary - Anna Magdolna Sipos PhD/associate professor
- Comparing digital library education on master level from Boras, Copenhagen and Oslo. - Marton Nemeth
- KEYNOTE - BUHLE MBAMBO-THATA: Positioning African Libraries for the Digital Age: Exploration of African Digital Library Initiatives
- Reducing suicide risks of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender library users in the library, especially adolescent and young adult patrons - Noemi Somorjai medical librarian, PhD student
- Build Curriculum for any Mobile Device – Build Once, Learn Anywhere - Heather Chirtea, Executive Director
- Building Bridges: A Tour of the Ivy Bridge College Library - Luann Edwards, eLibrary Director
- DISTINGUISHED: Growing Young Minds: How Libraries and Museums Create Lifelong Learners - Susan Hildreth, Executive Director
- Greasing Squeaky Wheels: A User-Centered Approach to Collection Management, Technical Development, and Resource Allocation for a Digital Library - Rebecca Morin, Head Librarian
- Management Challenges of Public Libraries - Dr. Ruphina Ozoh
- Toolkit for Creating Student Presentations in the Online Classroom - Jean Bedord, Lecturer
- 7 Ways Public Libraries Can Impact Student Learning - Marisa Adams, Director of Curriculum
- Branding on a Budget Outside the Box - Julie Howe, Health Science and Reference Librarian
- Internal Professional Development: How to Use Libguides to Create Professional Development Opportunities - raAmanda Piekart, Interim Information Litecy Coordinator, Senior Associate
- Los LRC Lugares par la Formación Continua con Acceso a Multi Recursos para Todo Tipo de Usuarios - Yensi Vides Librarian
- The Historian and the Librarian: Collaborating and Coordinating Embedded Librarianship in the Field of History - Ray Pun, Librarian
- Where Do You Keep the Newspapers?: A Look Behind the Scenes of Serials Librarianship at Chicago Public Library's Harold Washington Library Center - Nicole Steeves, Librarian
- KEYNOTE - ROY TENNANT: A View of Libraries on the Brink
- Authority Control and Linked Data for Digital Library Metadata - Jeremy Myntti, Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services
- Edunize: Organizing Online K-12 Educational Resources in a user centric manner - Sri Lekha, Founder
- eReaders and Tablets and Phones, Oh My! - Heather Westhaver, Librarian Trainer
- Ideas for internationalizing your library: Tips from the ALA International Relations Roundtable - John Hickok, International Outreach Librarian, IRRT Executive Board Member
- Librarians in the 21st Century: Designing a Career Strategy for Evolving Roles and Opportunities - Lisa Chow, Library Journal Mover + Shaker
- Navigating the Waves; charting the Information Environment Usine the IFLA Trend Report - Donna Scheeder, President-elect
- 5 Ways to get the most out of online discussion boards - Anna Cobbs
- Army libraries from Kansas to Korea and all points in between - Nancy Faget, Federal Librarian
- Connecting Space and Learning: Exploring the SFPL Digital Media Lab and Developing Bay Area Hive - Mary Ann Harlan
- From Content Editor to Content Creator: Academic Publishing as a Library Student and as a Librarian - Samantha Godbey, Education Librarian, Assistant Professor
- Getting a Job in Today's Changing Economy - Jill Klees, SJSU SLIS Career Center Liaison
- Librarians without borders: the International Librarians Network (ILN) experience - Clare McKenzie, Program Coordinator
- KEYNOTE - LEE RAINIE: Libraries and Communities
- Delivering library learning online: concepts and tools - Kelly Gardiner, Online Learning Manager
- How Heightened Awareness of Information Literacy Can Improve Patrons' Library Experiences - Rose Flores Medlock, Information Science Professional and Journalist
- library intellect | An Online Graduate Student Blogging Guide - kYmberly Keeton, Graduate Student
- Preparing Public Librarians for Consumer Health Information Services: A Needs Assessment Study - Lili Luo
- San Jose's King Library: 10 years of Success and Collaboration - Mary Nino, Associate Dean
- The Library is Dead; Long Live the Library!: Expanding Options in the Digital Age - Professor Lesley Farmer
- All Systems Go! Evaluating Institutional Repository Metadata for Out of This World Access - Lizzy Walker, Metadata and Digital Initiatives Librarian
- InterPARES Trust: Examining the Benefits and Risks of Storing Records + Information in the Clouds - Patricia C. Franks, PhD
- Library Re-Design with Student Power - Toni Olivieri-Barton, Teacher Librarian
- Prosperous City with Talents: Library Supporting Urban Transformation - Dr. Wu Jianzhong
- Successfully Promoting Your Print and eBook Collections Through Social Networking - Abbe Waldron, Library Media Specialist/Educational Technologist
- What about second year seminar? Collaborating with faculty members to teach information literacy in a public health second year seminar: A case of instruction - Xan Goodman
- Classroom Resources for K12 Educators: Integrating Information Literacy Skills and Common Core and State Standards into Designing Innovative Project Based Curricula - Melda N. Yildiz, Faculty
Come take a tour! Engaging students in a virtual setting. - Syeda Razeen, Librarian - Improving Library and Archival Services to LGBTQ Users: A Case Study - Lucas McKeever
- Making Professional Development "Sticky" - Ms Dianne Cmor, Deputy University Librarian
- Public Libraries: Communicating Impact with Stats and Stories - Kathy Rosa, Director of the Office for Research + Statistics
- Developing an Information Governance Strategy - Patricia C. Franks, PhD
- Using downloadable audiobooks to improve student literacy outside the classroom - Sue Toms, Head of Libraries
- WLMA - Reach Out and Teach Someone - Terri Grief, President-Elect. AASL
Saturday, October 19
- The Virtual Learning Commons: Concept, ideas, and Conversation - David V. Loertscher, Professor
- iCommons: Replacing a traditional Library - Heeru Bhojwani
- Open Educational Resources and the School Librarian: Collaborating with Teachers for Student Success - Heather Braum, NExpress Coordinator and Resource Sharing Librarian
- Role of Librarians in supporting MOOCs - B.VIJAYALAKSHMI, LIBRARIAN
- The Formula of Digital Literacy - Marton Fekete BA student
- Creating The Professional Development Opportunities You Want - Megan Ingle
- Development of Critical Thinking with LIS students of Pécs - Dr. Judit Béres
- Development of information literacy in the orphanages / Információs műveltség fejlesztése az árvaházakban - Jávorka, Brigitta - student
- KEYNOTE - GENE TAN: Moving Singaporeans: The Singapore Memory Project by the National Library of Singapore
- Putting the 'Oomph' back into Reading with Literature Circles, Blogging and Twitter - Justine Hughes, Educator / Education Consultant
- Libraries as virtual community spaces - István Margit
- Management of Libraries and Information Centers in the 21st Century - Rita Fekete, student
- Exploring Library-World: International LIS education as a basis for ongoing professional development. - Ffion Alice Bell, Graduate Library Assistant.
- Ranking and indicator analysis of the journals published by The American Economic Association / Az American Economic Association folyóiratai hatástényezőinek vizsgálata - Szöllősi Gréta - student
- Possible methods of measuring the information society term’s spread in scientific literature / Az információs társadalom fogalom szakirodalombeli elterjedésének lehetséges mérési lehetőségei - Antal Tamás - Student
- Actual and potential role of libraries regarding electronic learning support - Krisztina Fodorné Tóth, PhD
- Managing library silence? - Dr Helen E Lees
- Mediateka of Szczecin Academy of Art - a small library with big aspirations - Agata Rychter-Gullstrand, Librarian
- The possible methods of searching literature about the 20th century history - Márton Czirják - Student
- Best Practices for Serving Non-English Speaking Hispanics in the Public Library Setting - Jessica A. Buckles, MLS Graduate Student
- Könyvtelen” könyvtár - Bookless library - Alexanrdra Szalacsi, Ph.D. student
- The university library website as a virtual study environment - Máté Tóth
- Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and Student Success - Kara Malenfant, Sr. Strategist for Special Initiatives
- Mobile Health Information For All by 2015 - Dr. Chris Hagar, Assistant Professor
- Open Access: Policy and Practice in the Library - Chantal Phillips
- The Digital Evolution: Digital Libraries and Community Colleges - Kathleen Phillips, MLIS -- Digital and Reference Librarian
- Welcome to Our Library of the Future. Developing a Touring Strategy at NCSU's Hunt Library - Deanna Medsker Day, Visitor Experience Librarian
- What means bibliotherapy in the 21th century? / Mit jelent a biblioterápia a 21. században? - Eszter Csorba-Simon, Ms.
- Self-Publishing in Hungary. New challenge for libraries: indie authors and their content - Dr. Kerekes Pál PhD
- "Must I Teach Reading Too?" - Carolyn Jacobs, Senior Manager, Training and Educator Engagement
- Community of Inquiry Survey: Implications for Online Teaching and Learning - Susan W. Alman, Lecturer
- Mind over metadata: transitioning from traditional cataloging to creating metadata - Sarah A. Norris, Technical Services Librarian
- New literacies, new learning, new question marks - Tibor Koltay, Professor
- The DIY Digital Exhibition Experience at Tarrant County College - Ayyoub Ajmi - Library Technology Manager
- There's an App for That! Or Is There? : Examining Mobile Apps for Library Functions - Emily Krug, Emerging Technologies and Cataloging Librarian
- KEYNOTE - NEIL PAKENHAM-WALSH: Healthcare Information For All (www.hifa2015.org )
- Become a library advocate with NPSIG! - IFLA NPSIG training session on library advocacy - Molly Schwartz, NPSIG Co-Convener
- Creating Reusable Learning Objects - Christinger Tomer, Associate Porfessor
- Dispelling the Myth of the APA Monster: Information Services in a Digital Environment - Sara Stambaugh
- Online Learning Materials for a MOOC Course - Dr. Revathi Viswanathan
- Research for Development: providing services for multi-lingual and diverse ethnic groups - Loida Garcia-Febo, President
- Who's in the MOOD for M.O.O.C.s? - Ana Guthrie, Reference + Instruction Librarian
- KEYNOTE - PETER MOREVILLE: Inspiration Architecture: The Future of Libraries
- Customer Centered Wayfinding - Nancy Howe, County Librarian and Executive Director
- Diggin' Digital Humanities - Ana Guthrie, Reference + Instruction Librarian
- Information Overload: Strategies for Personal Information Management (PIM) - Sue Alman, Lecturer
- Mobile Technologies and Libraries: Match Made in Heaven or Marriage Gone Wrong - Mardene Carr, Chief Librarian
- No-one Leaves Without a Card: Full Access Library Cards for Homeless and Socially Excluded Patrons. - Randy Gatley; Community Librarian, Northeast Area
- WLMA Panel: K12 School and Public Library Collaborations - Craig Seasholes, WLMA moderator
- A MOOL in a MOOC: Librarians in massive open online courses - Laureen P. Cantwell, Instructional Services Librarian / Asst. Professor
- Baedeker's Guide to the Archives: A Tour of Online Resources for Special Collections at the University of Southern Mississippi - Jennifer Brannock, Curator of Rare Books and Mississippiana
- Data Visualization, Graphic Design and Meaning: Equipping Students with Critical Literacy Skills to Create and Consume Infographics - Pamela Van Halsema, MLIS
- Insure Equality in Your Library or Classroom - How to make sure you are getting an “A” in Diversity - Beth Wrenn-Estes, Lecturer
- QR Codes for Librarians - Brad McNally, Librarian Supervisor
- Session Title: Writing library instruction with mixed media. - Sean Cordes Associate Professor Instruction Service Coordinator
- 23 Mobile Things - Exploring the potential of mobile tools for delivering library services - Jan Holmquist - Gloabal librarian and head of development
- Cataloging and the Social Network - Faye Leibowitz, General Languages Catalog Librarian
- How (Content and Carrier) Convergence Matters to Libraries - A.J. Million, Doctoral Student
- Let them Drive...their learning! - Roxanne Clement, Teacher Librarian
- Nancy Drew + Friends; Or,The Case of the Neglected Books: A Short History of Youth Series Fiction - Lindsey Tomsu, Teen Coordinator
- Tweeting As Outreach or "Is there anybody out there?" - Yvonne Mulhern, Instruction/Outreach Librarian and Co-director of the Texas Social Media Research Institute
- Career Management 101: Setting a Path for Success - Susanne Markgren, co-author
- Career Q+A: A Librarian’s Real-Life, Practical Guide to Managing a Successful Career
- Digital library collections: If you build them, will anyone visit? - Frederick Zarndt
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER: Learning Everywhere: Transformative Power of Hyperlinked Libraries - Dr. Michael Stephens, Assistant Professor
- Library Tech: What's Next? - Michael Sauers, Technology Innovation Librarian
- MOOCs and Constructivist Information Literacy - Valerie Hill, PhD
- Top-secret techniques to get the most out of your website usability studies and re-design - Stan Bogdanov - Instructional Multimedia Specialist
- Creating a social media strategy: Answering how, who, where, when and why - Natalie Rector, Emerging Technologies Librarian
- Creating Online Resources for Content Area Teachers - Kelli Stair, Writer, Teacher Consultant
- Effective Use of the Twitterverse for Professional Development - Alexandra Janvey, Library Assistant
- Inside New Library Design - Phil Morehart, associate editor
- The Future Landscape of E-Book Programs at Columbia University Libraries - Melissa Goertzen, E-Book Program Development Librarian
- eBooks + eReaders: Past, Present + Future - Michael Sauers, Technology Innovation Librarian
- Expanding STEM Outreach in Academic Libraries: Science Cafes and Other Initiatives - Tracy Englert Reference Librarian for Science + Technology
- Hornets, and Comics, and Books! Oh My! - Kael Moffat, Reference + Instruction GA
- QRevolution - Kelli Stair, Writer, Teacher Consultant
- Reading Promotion for Older Readers in China’s Libraries - Wenyi Ding; PhD Candiadate
- KEYNOTE - BARBARA STRIPLING: Libraries Change Lives: Declaring Our Right to Libraries
- Building Your PLN at an Exponential Rate with Twitter - Nikki D Robertson, School Librarian
- Creating PD Resources for Teachers - Kelli Stair, Writer, Teacher Consultant
- Developing a Sustainable Learning 2.0 Community for Students and Alumni - Elaine Hall, MLIS Graduate Student
- Incorporating Information Literacy into Instructional Designs of PreService Teachers - Professor Lesley Farmer
- Students to Research Assistants: Learning Through Working in a Virtual Environment - Zemirah Lee, Project Manager
- Not just another Twitter Presentation! - Brittany Austin; MLIS student and assistant librarian
- Public Libraries Serving Homeless LGBTQ Youth by Creating Safe Spaces - Julie Ann Winkelstein, Postdoctoral Researcher and Adjunct Instructor
- CLOSING KEYNOTE - JOCELYN CRANEFIELD: New Knowledge Brokers: The Invisible Influence