As work on the Common Core State Standards is taken up in schools across the country, it is important that educators, parents, policymakers, and other key decision makers get a clear picture of what this means for teaching and learning in every discipline. That is why AASL is cooperating with the National Center for Literacy Education (NCLE) to invite members to complete
a questionnaire about collaborative professional learning and integrating the Common Core State Standards into professional practice.
Your contribution matters!
School librarians participating in a previous NCLE survey helped to create the report
Remodeling Literacy Learning: Making Room for What Works. The report details key findings from a nationwide survey of more than 2,400 educators representing all grade levels and subject areas. It investigates the connection between professional learning, educator collaboration and student learning and is available for download at
www.literacyinlearningexchange.org. More specific data pertaining to school librarian responses to the NCLE survey can be found in an
infographic created by AASL.
Please try to complete the
20 minute questionnaire by
Monday, October 28. In return for your time and thoughtful answers, you can elect to have your name entered into a drawing for a $500 Amazon gift card.
Watch for a report on collaborative learning and literacy standards implementation in early 2014. Thank you for taking part in this important project!