The following webinars are happening in November. They are all free, and can all be viewed on your own computer.


Click on a webinar’s title for more information.



Booklist Webinar—E-Books in Schools: Lessons Learned from A to Z

Date:Tuesday, November 05, 2013
Time:2:00 PM
In recent years, most of the e-book buzz has centered around public libraries. Now it's time for school libraries to move forward with the technology, prompting questions that range from funding to implementation to actual usage. In this free, hour-long webinar sponsored by OverDrive, a panel of school librarians will discuss their successes with implementing an e-book platform and using e-books in the classroom and school library. Moderated by Rebecca Vnuk, Booklist’s Reference and Collection Management Editor.

Serving Job Seekers: Library and Workforce System Partnerships That Work

Date:Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Time:2:00 PM
Description:Innovative partnerships between state and local libraries and their workforce systems can amplify services to meet community employment needs, including the needs of businesses, veterans, Spanish-language speakers and other sectors. Presenters representing both workforce agencies and libraries will share their hands-on experiences with initiating and sustaining partnerships. Learn about additional public-private partnerships and how you can achieve similar results in your community. Come prepared to share your own experiences of collaborating with the local workforce system to serve the employment needs of your community.


Grace Under Pressure: Tips and Tricks to Cultivate a Positive Approach

Date:Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Time:2:00 PM
This webinar explores stress-reduction skills and strategies to help face challenging situations that impact our personal work styles, our organizations, and the communities we serve.
Working in a library can feel like a constant juggling act. We navigate competing demands and challenging situations on a daily basis in order to meet our mission and transform our communities. In this interactive session, discover how to handle these challenges proactively. Learn positive, practical tips, stress-reduction skills, and ideas for changing your personal work style. Learn strategies to help you face challenging situations that affect your whole organization and society-wide issues that impact the communities we serve. Feel better and be more effective at your work.


The Evolution of Usage Statistics

Date:Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Time:3:00 PM
The ability to prove library value enables institutions to maximize budget dollars, properly allocate their spend, and improve user satisfaction. We have come a long way in the types and quality of data as well as methods for collecting and analyzing that information. Join our webinar to discuss how metrics have evolved to their current state and what direction we can take with new and alternative metrics in the future. Our panelists will address their methods for measuring library value from the data they choose to evaluate, to the tools they utilize, and how they perform their analysis and utilize it in real practice.

Implementing change: Realizing the results of collaborating in the cloud

Date:Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Time:1:00 PM
Libraries share many common challenges: scarce resources, increased user demand and ever more complex collections, systems and workflows. To help manage these challenges, today’s cloud-based library management services are offering workflows that save time and discovery solutions that meet users’ expectations.
Libraries using these services are seeing drastic reductions in the time it takes for routine tasks because of the integration in the cloud between libraries, applications, partners and data. Not only can information be shared between departments, but between libraries, improving quality and relevance as it’s enhanced along the way.
As a result, libraries save staff time and money while improving efficiency, workflows and user satisfaction. In short, cloud-based library management services, like OCLC WorldShare® Management Services, require less time in your library’s back office. This provides more time and resources to do the things that make your institution truly unique and that help you serve your users better.


Infopeople: Cloud Computing: Impact on Library Services

Date:Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Time:3:00 PM
What is Cloud Computing?
Do you know you’re probably already using the cloud?
Want to learn how your library will benefit from using cloud services?
Cloud computing has been around for a number of years. It has become more than just a trend but a dynamic service that has changed not only how companies conduct business, but the services they provide to us, the computer user.
In this webinar, we will discuss what Cloud Computing is, how it has changed the way we use the Internet, and how our libraries might benefit from it.
At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:
Be able to identify 3 types of cloud computing.
Know 3 security risks involved with cloud computing.
Be able to calculate approximate costs of using cloud services.
This webinar will be of interest to staff from all types of libraries interested in benefits and risks of cloud computing, including IT staff, managers, and those making budget decisions.

Designing Your Library for Interactivity

Date:Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Time:3:00 PM
As libraries around the world embrace rapid technological changes, they’re offering services and resources—like makerspaces and collaborative computing—that would have been flights of fancy just a decade ago. From community forums to hackerspaces, the way patrons interact with their library and each other is driving new visions of what libraries need to be.
Our panel of expert architects will explore how new design philosophies can help patrons and librarians get the most out of their spaces while blowing the lid off traditional ideas of what a library is for. We’ll look at model projects that are flexible; respond to advances in technology; offer community space; make smart use of indoor and outdoor space; and have successfully incorporated makerspaces.


Infopeople: Graphic Novels for Adult Readers

Date:Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Time:3:00 PM
Graphic Novels for Adult Readers: Recommending the Best
• Are you wondering how to recommend graphic novels to adult leisure readers?
• Are you uncomfortable talking with adults who want to discuss graphic novels because you’re not the “staff expert”?
• Do you know where to find essential graphic novel titles that should be included in most library collections?
Even though graphic novels continue to become more visible in library collections, adults often don’t consider reading in this format. Staff providing reader’s advisory may also feel at a loss when attempting to include graphic novels as suggestions.
This hour-long webinar will help staff broaden their skills by adding graphic novels to their recommendations. It will show how to locate satisfying and often little-known graphic novels that respond to both the subject interest and personal appeal factors in readers who have little experience with the format. Ideas for encouraging experienced comics readers to move to graphic novels will also be discussed.
Collection development staff will learn sources for graphic novels that are essential to most collections for adult leisure readers.
At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:
• Know the history and key elements that make up the graphic novel.
• Be able to discuss the literary appeal graphic novels will have for adult readers.
• Recognize literary genres in graphic novel form.
• Have techniques for recommending graphic novels to adults based on their other reading interests.







Julie Styles

Continuing Education/Professional Development Coordinator

CT State Library Division of Library Development
Middletown Library Services Center

786 South Main Street, Middletown, CT 06457



Twitter: @csldld