Thank you, Irene, for starting this thread on CASL NING!  I will write up my notes sometime today.  Chris, Jan, and Michelle, you are the best!  How you found time to do this after leaving Hartford on Sunday is beyond me!  Thank you for all of your information! 

 CASL will be following up this idea with our next board meeting, which will be a get-together for all CASL members, whether or not they attended the conference. Those of us who attended will share ideas from sessions, similar to what is happening on the NING right now!  It will be a time to relax, share, and enjoy each other's company.  Save the date: December 6th.  More information will be coming soon!

Mary Ellen Minichiello
CASL President
Library Media Specialist
Calf Pen Meadow School

From: [] on behalf of IRENE KWIDZINSKI []
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2013 8:00 PM
Subject: [CASL-L] AASL13 Gems

Thank you Chris, Jane and Michelle for posting your gems on the CASL Ning forum.  This will be a great resource for our colleagues.