School Librarians' Roundtable South, Grades 6-12
Rachel Rice, East Haven High School Library (rrice@mail.east-haven.k12.ct.us)
Sara Kaluzynski, Stratford High School Library (kaluzynskis@stratfordk12.org)
Thursday, December 5, 2013
2:45 p.m.
Stratford High School
We will be sharing ideas and experiences from the AASL Conference and showcasing the Wiki that we have begun for roundtable members to collaborate outside of meetings.
Directions: stratfordhigh.stratfordk12.org/DrivingDirections/default.asp
Registration is encouraged ... please register here or email your name and library to clc@ctlibrarians.org. Hope to see you there!
Leah Farrell, MLIS
Projects Coordinator
Connecticut Library Consortium
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