School Librarians' Roundtable Capitol Region
Casey LaPlante, Granby Memorial High School (laplantec@granby.k12.ct.us)
Melissa Lopes, Windsor Locks High School (mlopes@wlps.org)
Thursday, January 16, 2014 (Snow Date: January 23rd)
3:30 p.m.
Windsor Locks High School

Bring thoughts, concerns, and ideas to share!
Directions: www.wlps.org/whs/page.php?pid=212
Registration is encouraged ... please register here or email your name and library to clc@ctlibrarians.org. Hope to see you there!
Weather Policy
If the schools in Windsor Locks are closed - the meeting is postponed.
If the schools in Windsor Locks have an early dismissal - the meeting is postponed.
Leah Farrell, MLIS
Projects Coordinator
Connecticut Library Consortium
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