Google Docs and Google Forms. 

Teachers look at the calendar, find open slots and fill out a google form. We get an email with timed receipt for the request and update the calendar. The timed receipt ends any arguments about who booked what first. It is time consuming to keep up with the calendar but with all the lab and laptop bookings we save a lot of grief and provide a more efficient booking experience for our staff. 

We are a new google school and when teachers are more adept using google calendar we will move to allow teachers to book thier own times.

Thomas Vaghini
Stafford High School

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Paxton Berardy <> wrote:
We have quite a few computer labs and carts here and i am one person responsible for scheduling them.  Right now we use a giant paper calender per lab and it has worked out ok. Conflicts have arisen about who signed up for what period first and people wanting to schedule from home, poor hand writing etc.  Does anyone use technology to schedule labs or carts like a google spread sheet or calender or other means.

CASL-L mailing list

Thomas Vaghini
Library Media Specialist
Stafford High School
145 Orcuttville Road
Stafford Springs, CT 06076
860.684.4233 x3032