This event has been canceled.
School Librarians' Roundtable - Southeast
Maureen Rust, Wheeler High School/Middle School Library, North Stonington (rustm@northstonington.k12.ct.us)
Sue Lantelme, Ledyard High School Library (slantelme@ledyard.net)
Thursday, January 16, 2013
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mystic Middle School
Connie Sear, CLC's Manager of Member Discounts & Operations, will join us to talk about their recently-released non-print media discounts bid. She will answer any questions you have about the new discounts and how to obtain them.
Directions: A link to a Google map is available on the CLC website here.
Registration is encouraged ... please register here or email your name and library to clc@ctlibrarians.org. Hope to see you there!
Leah Farrell, MLIS
Projects Coordinator
Connecticut Library Consortium
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