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Date: January 16, 2014 at 8:06:17 AM EST
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Subject: LMC in a Flash: The Monthly eNewsletter For Library Media & Technology Specialists
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LMC in a Flash January 2014
Join us for our OverDrive-sponsored webinar:
Getting the Most Out of eBooks in School: 50 Proven Tips That Really Work
February 12, 2014 at 4:00pm EST.
Pre- registerJoin us for OUR Spring 2014 SEASON OF PROFESSIONAL WEBINARS
Inquiry Learning Big6-Style: It All Starts with Asking Great Questions.
Tue, January 28, 2014 4:00PM EST
In this webinar, Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz focus on strategies for improving students’ question formulation and other task definition skills for effective inquiry learning as well as success in any kind of learning approach or assignment.
Presenters: Michael Eisenberg and Robert Berkowitz
Mike Eisenberg, professor and dean emeritus, University of Washington Information School.
Bob Berkowitz is a consultant and retired library media specialist.
Getting the Most Out of eBooks in School: 50 Proven Tips That Really Work
Sponsored by OverDrive and LMC
Wed, February 12, 2014 4:00PM EST
We will have a panel of presenters that share practical examples for using eBooks in school. Because we know you are using eBooks through OverDrive in your curriculum, we have collected from you excellent ideas and tips for getting the most out of ebooks in school.
Research with Rigor: Guided Inquiry Design Reaching to the Higher Expectations of the Core
Tue, February 25, 2014 4:00PM EST
In this webinar, we will dig into what is rigor and where research surfaces within Guided Inquiry. By the end of the session, you’ll have new insights on rigor, learning, and strategies to design learning using an inquiry process.
Presenter: Leslie Maniotes, NBCT, MEd, PhD is an international consultant focused on inquiry learning and curriculum design.
Teaming Up to Teach: Super3 and Big6 Tackle Common Core
Tue, April 8, 2014 4:00PM EST
This webinar will help you incorporate our favorite way to teach information literacy to elementary students. You’ll leave the session with downloadable materials to help you teach several sample lessons integrating Common Core objectives and easily used as a collaborative project with other teachers or as solo lessons.
Presenters: Danielle N. DuPuis and Annette C. H. Nelson
Danielle N. DuPuis, serves as a media specialist for Howard County Public Schools in Maryland.
Annette C. H. Nelson works as a media specialist for Howard County Public Schools in Maryland.
To receive early notices about our webinars, sign up for our LMC Community on edWeb.
Find key LMC articles to assist you daily in your school, including reproducibles, posters, and important information to pass on to teachers, administrators, peers, and university students.
Not-to-miss articles in Library Media Connection for January/February 2014: ’Wanna be a Webcaster? Follow the golden rules as taught by Shanna Miles.’
Gervay, Susanne
Super Jack
Illustrated by Cathy Wilcox. 2013. 183pp. $5.99 pbk. Kane Miller Books. 978-1-61067-129-3. Grades 3-4
This is the second book in a series about 12-year-old Jack. Jack enjoys telling jokes, growing fungus, and performing science experiments. The reader witnesses the expansion of Jack's family as Jack's mother and Rob are getting married. Jack and his sister like Rob, but Jack does not like his son, Leo. The adults decide to take a family vacation so they can bond. Jack is jealous of the way Rob acts with Leo, while Leo is jealous when Rob and Jack have their “private” jokes. Jack is the narrator; readers are drawn into the story as they get to see his point of view. This book is well-written and the characters well-developed. Merged families are becoming more common so many children will be able to relate. The reader knows the family will get through, but not easily. Students will enjoy reading how Jack eventually accepts his stepdad and stepbrother. Marilyn Teicher, Library Media Specialist, P.S. 86, Bronx, New York
RecommendedSnow, Carol
Bubble World
2013. 352pp. $17.99 hc. Henry Holt Books for Young Readers. 978-0-8050-9571-5. Grades 6-12
This book is reminiscent of the film The Truman Show. Freesia's mother serves her coffee each morning, cheerfully naming its brand and slogan. Then one day one of Freesia's acquaintances disappears. When Freesia notices blackouts and repeating days, she wonders if Bubble World is real. Freesia is Francine's Bubble World avatar. Her Francine body remains in Arizona, drugged, but her questioning of Bubble World gets her kicked out. When Francine enrolls at a real high school, she finds that Math and English classes are harder than the Pop Music Appreciation and Advanced Eye Makeup courses in Bubble World. After a brief return to Bubble World, Francine opts for Arizona reality. Middle school and high school students will identify with the characters and debate whether beauty is more desirable than reality. Alexey W. Root, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, The University of Texas at Dallas, Texas [Editor's Note: Available in e-book format.]
RecommendedMore LMC sample reviews and articles.
As more K-12 schools are implementing 1:1 device programs and are searching for ways to support student learning through new technologies,Brain Hive continues to re-imagine the eBook model for schools. Brain Hive, LLC, announced that it has added several enhancements to its eReading platform and has expanded its eBook collection with award-winning titles from Highlights for Children and Toon Books.
¡Buenas noticias! PBS KIDS is excited to announce more than 25 PBS KIDS games are now available in Spanish. Join the Cat in the Hat, Curious George, and Sid the Science Kid for fun games and stickers en español. You can check out all of PBS KIDS online games in Spanish at
More Hot StuffShare Your Professional Practice
LMC readers are always interested in the best practices of their fellow librarians. Share your great days, your creative projects, or your reflections about school, students, and library programs. Write an article for us. You will find our editorial calendar here, but we'd really like to hear about the topics you find interesting.
LMC One Question Surveys provide data-based snapshots of issues in school librarianship. This month’s question is:
As a building-level librarian, does your contract extend beyond the one given to teachers? Take the survey
LMC'S One Question Survey results show key trends and snapshots of our profession. Do you leave the library to provide service to students and teachers? Check out our 1QS.
University Faculty
For examination or desk copies of select Linworth and Libraries Unlimited titles, and for sample issues of LMC and School Library Monthly for your students, contact Sheila Lucier, Textbook Account Representative who is able to recommend and send you complimentary copies to consider for course adoption.Are you a first-year librarian?
LMC would love to share your lessons for what to do, what not to do, and also those great "AHA" moments that let you know you made the right choice. Send us your story.![]()
Make sure to stop by booth 1523 at American Library Association's Midwinter Conference in Philadelphia, PA, and pick up a complimentary copy of Library Media Connection.
Tips and Other Bright Ideas for Elementary School Libraries: Volume 4
Kate Vande Brake, Editor
This valuable collection of handy, nifty, thrifty ideas from library media specialists across the country can make a positive impact on any elementary school library media program.
Tips and Other Bright Ideas for Secondary School Libraries: Volume 4
Kate Vande Brake, Editor
Containing more than 200 tips from various library media specialists, this handbook will help you save time and money while streamlining procedures and highlighting your library program.
The School Library Manager: Fifth Edition
Blanche Woolls, Ann C. Weeks, and Sharon Coatney
This very readable text is updated to encompass the new role of school librarians in managing the digital world in libraries.
Rx for the Common Core: Toolkit for Implementing Inquiry Learning
Mary Boyd Ratzer and Paige Jaeger
Providing clear explanations of inquiry-based learning in the light of the Common Core, this book is a practical and graphical guide that will serve as a much-needed primer for librarians and educators.
Inquiry and the Common Core: Librarians and Teachers Designing Teaching for Learning
Violet H. Harada and Sharon Coatney, Editors
Practicing librarians and library educators demonstrate the power of inquiry to achieve the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and promote school librarians as key partners in implementing this type of critical teaching and learning in K–12 schools.
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