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From: American Association of School Librarians <>
To: Irene <>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 5:11 PM
Subject: New Webinar Available on AASL eCOLLAB!

New Webinar Available on AASL eCOLLAB!
The mission of the American Association of School Librarians is to advocate excellence, facilitate change, and develop leaders in the school library field.
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Now available on AASL eCOLLAB!

Powerful Partnerships: Libraries, Technology, and the Common Core

In this newly archived webinar, AASL members Kathryn Lewis and David Loertscher lead an idea swap complementing the newly released action brief "Implementing the Common Core State Standards: The Role of the School Librarian." Published by AASL and Achieve and written by Lewis and Loertscher, the brief links school libraries and librarians to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Learn how to recreate and lead this idea swap activity with your teaching team in your own school or district. Propel your school library program into the center of teaching and learning in the era of the CCSS! View the webinar now!

eCOLLAB | Your eLearning Laboratory is a resource provided to you as a feature of your AASL membership. In eCOLLAB, you'll find webcasts, podcasts, and resources from various AASL professional development events. Members can also view a read-only version of the latest issue of AASL’s print journal, Knowledge Quest. It is now easier than ever to fit professional development into your schedule! 
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AASL, 50 E Huron St., Chicago IL 60611

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