Join the community Digital Citizenship Digital Citizenship is a professional learning community (PLC) that provides ideas and discussions about how to help kids be safe, responsible, and respectful participants in a digital world. This community will help you stay connected, share ideas, and get support from colleagues on issues such as: · cyberbullying · privacy · digital footprints · copyright and plagiarism · information literacy · Internet safety You can post questions, start discussions, and get feedback from experts and peers on the issues and challenges you face every day. Become part of the conversation today! As a member of the community you'll receive... · Invitations to free webinars and live chats. · A CE certificate for attending/viewing our webinars. · Access to all of the recorded webinars, presentations, resources, and online discussions. Every educator who joins the community will gain access to free downloadable Digital Citizenship posters to use in their classroom. |
Many thanks to our co-host 
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| Social Media: An Essential Tool for K-12 Classrooms Wednesday, January 29th at 4pm ET
Presenter: Lisa Nielsen, Director of Digital Literacy and Citizenship at the New York City Department of Education, and author of The Innovative Educator, an award-winning blog While there are some educators who feel the best advice when it comes to social media is to stay away, Lisa Nielsen disagrees. She tells teachers that if they're not using social media, they're not doing their job.
The role of today's educator is to prepare students to thrive in the world in which they live. In today's world, if you want to run a business, run for office, or change the way things are run where you live, play, or work, you must be savvy in the use of social media. If we do not ensure our kids are equipped to do so responsibly and effectively, we are robbing them of the real and relevant education they deserve. In this webinar, Lisa will share how educators are using social media such as Facebook and Twitter both as a powerful tool for professional development as well as how to use it as a vehicle for student learning. Find out how one teacher uses Facebook with first graders to strengthen the home school connection, and how another uses Twitter with second graders to increase tourism in their community. Discover how schools are using social media to share the stories of their classroom with the world and even use it as tool to increase enrollment. Join Lisa on January 29th to get some great ideas on how to use social media for teaching and learning in your school or district. |
Using Comics and Digital Storytelling to Teach Digital Citizenship Monday, February 24th at 4pm ET Presenter: Jeff Brain, middle school teacher in California, and instructor at San Francisco State University's Department of Instructional Technologies
"With great power comes great responsibility." You may have heard this quote, associated with the comic Spiderman. This quote can also be used as a mantra for digital citizenship with your students. Comics are a great avenue to teach digital citizenship, through themes of virtue, right and wrong, and a superheroes coming in to save the day. In this webinar, middle school teacher Jeff Brain will share the program he has developed where students learn digital citizenship, digital storytelling, both writing and illustrating, and media creation skills. The program, Where Heroes Are Made (WHAM), helps students not only learn digital citizenship skills, including cyber-ethics, copyright, research skills and current trends in technology, but empowers students to embody themselves as digital superheroes and as characters in graphic novels, addressing challenges of the online world. Join Jeff on February 24th to learn how you can use comics as a vehicle to teach students how to be safe, responsible, respectful, and informed participants in the digital world. |
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