All webinars are presented by Michelle Luhtala
Michelle Luhtala is the Head Librarian at New Canaan High School in New Canaan, Connecticut. She is the winner of the 2011 "I Love My Librarian" Award, the 2010 National School Library Program of the Year (NSLPY), and the Connecticut Library Association's 2010 Outstanding Librarian Award.
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Emerging Tech: Using Technology to Advance Your School Library Program
Emerging Tech is a professional learning community (PLC) where school librarians can explore all the ways to integrate technology and 21st century learning into school library programs.
The community hosts free monthly webinars and live chats presented by Michelle Luhtala, Head Librarian at New Canaan High School (CT). Online discussions provide an easy way to continue the conversation and share ideas and experiences with peers across the country, and around the world. You'll have an opportunity to collaborate with other librarians as you learn about and explore the many uses of technology in school libraries.
As a member of the community you'll receive...
- Invitations to free webinars and live chats.
- A CE certificate for attending/viewing our webinars.
- Access to all of the recorded webinars, presentations, resources, and online discussions.
 Function Follows Form How Google Apps can transform 21st Century learning
Schools across the country pledge to teach 21st century skills, but building a culture of collaborators can prove difficult. Luckily, Google Apps for education provides tools to transform an insular learning community into a collaborative one. In this session, the presenter will introduce Google applications that will empower teachers and students to learn together outside of the boundaries imposed by geography and time. |
Librarians as Leaders School librarians as leaders in professional development, accreditation review, and so much more
While schools are aggressively slashing budgets to make ends meet, many districts still feel compelled to spend on professional development programming and accreditation review. Therein lies an opportunity for school librarians to help districts reduce costs while increasing the library program's visibility. In this session, participants will discover new leadership opportunities for school librarians that will benefit all members of the learning community, faculty and administration included.
In this annual review of new developments in eContent delivery, participants will learn about platforms, services, licensing options, new product "packaging", spending models, and content availability. The presenter will also review recent research on student usage of eContent, and participants will discuss anticipated changes in evolving patron needs.
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