Save the Date/Call for Proposals!

Our New Frontier:  Metaliteracy, Threshold Concepts, New Standards, and Other Wild Ideas

2014 Connecticut Information Literacy Conference

Friday, June 13, 2014

Manchester Community College
Manchester, Connecticut

9:00 am – 3:00 pm


Today’s information literacy landscape can certainly feel like uncharted territory. Lifelong learners require skills in a wide range of literacies including digital, media, and visual.  How will these multiple literacies transform the ways in which we interact with students both inside and outside the classroom? What will changing ACRL standards mean to existing information literacy programs?  Join library colleagues, faculty members, and other trail blazers from across Connecticut and beyond in discussing how to stake claims in this vast new world of information literacy.

Due to the popularity of our confirmed keynote speakers, Trudi Jacobson and Tom Mackey, authors of the forthcoming book Metaliteracy: Reinventing Information Literacy to Empower Learners, we are extending the deadline for speaker proposals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to share your successes with colleagues.

Call for Proposals now through March 7, 2014!

The Connecticut Information Literacy Conference Committee invites you and your colleagues to submit proposals for general session presentations, panel discussions, or breakout workshops (45-50 minutes long with a 10-15 minute Q & A session).  Possible ideas to explore include:

-          Multiple literacies and implications for the future of academic librarianship

-          Transformative teaching methods such as threshold concepts and ‘other wild ideas’

-          Innovative ways of building community with faculty and students  (e.g., marketing, communication, collaboration, and assessment)

-          New ‘law and order’  - incorporating  proposed revisions to ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education into existing programs

-          Bringing it home:  the role of expanding competencies within articulation policies, including Connecticut State Colleges and Universities’ Transfer and Articulation Policy


Team presenters such as faculty-librarian or librarians from multiple institutions are highly encouraged to submit a proposal.

For consideration, please submit your name, institution, contact info, a short bio, title of presentation, and abstract (<150 words) to Joy Hansen at by March 7, 2014.

Presenters will be notified of proposal acceptance by March 21, 2014.