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From: American Association of School Librarians <>
Date: March 11, 2014 at 10:20:20 AM EDT
To: Irene <>
Subject: New Webinar Available on AASL eCOLLAB!
Reply-To: American Association of School Librarians <>

New Webinar Available on AASL eCOLLAB!
The mission of the American Association of School Librarians is to advocate excellence, facilitate change, and develop leaders in the school library field.
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Now available on AASL eCOLLAB!

Federal Student Loan Forgiveness and Cancellation Benefits for School Librarians

In this newly archived webinar, presenters from the U.S. Department of Education - Ian Foss, Federal Student Aid program specialist, and Brian Smith, Office of Postsecondary Education program specialist - share information on loan forgiveness and cancellation benefits for school librarians with federal student loans. The webinar covers Perkins Loan cancellations and Direct Loan Public Service Loan Forgiveness. View the webinar now!

eCOLLAB | Your eLearning Laboratory is a resource provided to you as a feature of your AASL membership. In eCOLLAB, you'll find webcasts, podcasts, and resources from various AASL professional development events. Members can also view a read-only version of the latest issue of AASL’s print journal, Knowledge Quest. It is now easier than ever to fit professional development into your schedule! 
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