50 Debate Topics: nonpartisan, unbiased research on the pros & cons of controversial issues http://www.procon.org/debate-topics.php

Onn Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Geri Dineen <dineenger@reg8.k12.ct.us> wrote:

We subscribe to the Issues and Controversies database, which is great, but some teachers are looking for similar resources that are more accessible to students with lower reading levels.

Any suggestions?


Geri Dineen

Library Media Specialist
RHAM High School
Hebron CT 06248
860-228-9474, ext 3317

CASL-L mailing list

Shannon Betts
Library Media Specialist
Even Start Family Educator
Forbes Elementary School
Family Library Media Center
500 Migeon Ave.
Torrington, CT 06790
860-485-2500 ext 243