Hi Dave,
CASL has been involved from the beginning; I volunteered to be on the advisory committee to PEAC and SEED. Note the word advisory….What I did get accomplished is the white paper, which is specific to library media specialists.  It is written for the supervisors out there who don't know our role.  You can find it on the state website for SEED.  Look for white papers, and then scroll down for library media specialists.  AASL has decided to make this a national project and is also working on evaluations.  Please go to CASL Ning and see all the documents that we have been accumulating in the past two years on evaluation.  We have been involved and need more volunteers to help us in this endeavor.  If you went to AASL, they had a pre conference workshop (a half a day) just on this topic.  Excellent.  Again, the CASL NING is the place to go.
Hope this helps.
Come to the unconference on April 5th in Danbury and start a conversation with others on evaluation!  It should be really informative, and a great way to network.  Go to CASL website to find out more:
Any questions, email me!

Mary Ellen

Mary Ellen Minichiello
CASL President
Library Media Specialist
Calf Pen Meadow School

From: casl-l-bounces@mylist.net [casl-l-bounces@mylist.net] on behalf of Matthews, David [dmatthews@rsd17.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 10:01 AM
To: casl-l@mylist.net
Subject: [CASL-L] state wide evaluation tool for media specialists

Good morning,


Just curious – is there a committee or thoughts of forming a committee about the instrument that is used to evaluate our jobs as media specialists. I know the present instrument is ineffective in evaluating me in my position as a high school media specialist.  Has anyone heard if the state, the unions (AFT & CEA) or our association is working on something?




Dave Matthews

Haddam-Killingworth HS