Hello everyone,


I am on our newly created school committee for 1:1 devices.  The committee has been given the following tasks:


1.  Research and select devices 
2.  Develop a plan for implementing the 1:1 initiative
3.  Explore the impact on teaching and learning and determine ways to maximize the overall effectiveness of a 1:1 program
If any of you have a 1:1 program and would be willing to share information/advice that pertains to any of the above topics, I would greatly appreciate it!!
Additionally, I am curious how these programs have impacted/changed your school library.  Our headmaster would like to see a shift from print to digital books.  If the 1:1 program changed the focus of your collection development I would love to hear that too!  I have heard from many school librarians that e-books (both fiction and non-fiction) have not been met with great success (some students prefer print books, digital non-fiction books can be difficult to use/navigate, etc.).  If you have shifted to a  more digital collection and would like to share your thoughts (positive or negative) I would love to hear anything you have to say!!
Thanks in advance for the info =)
Deb Sharpe
Bracken Memorial Library
Woodstock Academy