Pick your webinar.

Pick your date.

We pick up the tab!


Are you willing to host a group viewing of a webinar? These PLA On-Demand webinars can be watched at any time. http://www.ala.org/pla/onlinelearning/webinars/ondemand


If you are interested in any of them, and willing to share, the CSL will sponsor a viewing at your library!


Requirements include a meeting room that holds up to 20 or so people, a projector, screen, and Internet access to show the webinar, ample parking for all attendees, and a library staff member to “moderate” (set up, log in, perhaps facilitate a discussion). We will handle the event marketing, registration as well as ordering of the webinar from PLA.


Please note: these are not “live” webinars, so there is no interaction with the presenters, though discussion among webinar attendees is highly encouraged!


If you are interested, please contact me to set up a time.



Kind regards,


Julie Styles, MLIS

Professional Development Coordinator

CT State Library | Division of Library Development
786 South Main Street, Middletown, CT 06457



Events Calendar: evanced.info/cslib/evanced/eventcalendar.asp

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