For those of you who are members of YALSA, my name is on the ballot for membership on the 2016 Printz Committee.  I just opened my ALA ballot email and cast my votes.  Voting closes April 25.

As many of you know, I am the teacher librarian at Brien McMahon High School in Norwalk, CT, where I've worked for 13 years.  Here in CT, I've served on Nutmeg Teen and High School book selection committees (chaired the latter last year) for several years.  As a member of YALSA, I've spent the past five years on an assortment of audiobook committees (both Odyssey and Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults).  Meanwhile, I've been working on my doctoral dissertation on those amazing Australians who turn up so often on the Printz honors list in January, and should be graduating in December 2014.  If I'm not reading a YA book, I'm listening to one--and generally I've got one of each going at any given time, though not literally simultaneously.  (I can multitask, but...).  

Thanks for your support, Connecticut's YALSA members!

Cathy Andronik