Hi Erin,
We have had Google Apps for Education. It  is great for collaboration and for staff to give feedback to students on their work. I can't emphasize enough that the teachers need to be trained ahead of time to feel confident and excited about using it with their students. There are terrific tools out their for them, for instance, creating templates and having students make a copy, using Google Forms, creating class presentations. However, it's likely new learning for some, and if they don't embrace it you won't have the best experience.
Good luck,
Sue Crean

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Erin Madeira <EMadeira@sterlingschool.org> wrote:

My school is just about to roll out Google Apps for Education for our students in Grades 6-8.  Our Technology Committee is wondering if schools who have already implemented this – particularly student email accounts -  can provide any helpful tips or  warn of potential problems .




Erin Madeira

Library Media Specialist

Sterling Community School

251 Sterling Rd.

Sterling, CT 06377


860-564-2728 ext 1301



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Mrs. Sue Crean
21st Century Skills Teacher
Whisconier Middle School
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou