Please send me your results!!!
A few years ago, our policy was 5 students per study hall, which were held in teachers' classrooms.  Then we shifted the policy:  students could NOT get passes from study hall teachers.  They needed passes from subject area teachers to come to the library during their free periods (lunch/study hall).  We'd hoped this would eliminate (or at least reduce) the number of kids just coming to hang out noisily with their buddies.  Then...
Last year it was decided that some study halls would meet in the library every period of the day.  Their teacher accompanies them and is nominally in charge of their behavior.  Nominally.  There's one period when we have three study halls--about 60 kids--based in the library.  PLUS kids can come in with passes.  Teachers who want to bring their classes in that period take one look around (which I encourage before they book, that period only), turn some interesting colors, and make alternate plans.  Best story:  I found out about the study-halls-in-the-library on the first day of school last year--from a kid in one of those study halls.  Let's just say that if this decision was data-driven, the data sure didn't come from me.
AND my district is pushing for a Learning Commons model, which I don't think the powers that be understand well, and that combined with the decision to base study halls in the library worries me.  A lot.
Let me know if you come up with any data and/or reseearch.
Cathy Andronik
Teacher librarian
Brien McMahon HS
Norwalk, CT
From: Nicole Giangreco <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 12:53 PM
Subject: [CASL-L] calling all High School LMS

If you are a High School LMS
I would love your feedback in regards to study hall students in your LMC.
What is your policy?
Does your school hold all  study halls in your library?
Do classroom teachers have study hall and send students?

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